What to Bring

There are few facilities for washing clothes. Bring enough comfortable and rather loose clothes for the whole stay.

All students must observe the rules for wearing modest and comfortable clothing, in accordance with the Code of Discipline. This means that tight, see-through, low-cut, or even short garments such as shorts, bermuda shorts, short skirts, crop tops, or tops, should not be worn.

Avoid bringing cloths that make noise (such as nylon clothing). Leggings or the like may only be worn with knee length shirts.

Items you need to bring


  • t-shirts
  • pants / trousers
  • sweater
  • coats and / or scarves
  • at least one pair of shoes that are  easy to put on and take off


  • jacket and / or rain coat
  • umbrella

Bed and bath items:

  • pilotase
  • bed sheets
  • blankets
  • bath towel

Items for personal use:

  • soap
  • shampoo
  • odorless deodorant

Other toiletries:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • laundry soap - optional
  • flashlight and batteries - optional
  • repellent (if possible, odorless)

Material for Meditation:

  • meditation cushions and / or bench. Any type of cushion.
  • meditation shawl or blanket - optional (should not be the same one you will be using for sleeping).
  • small cushions to support knees, optional

There are few cushions available for everyone, so please bring enough cushions to sit for meditation.
There are base cushions for the floor.

Please avoid using products that have strong essences or perfumes.

IMPORTANT: Participants are asked to refrain from bringing any type of food, reading materials or notes to the course. These materials will be kept until the end of the course.